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2001 W. Plano Parkway, Suite 3430, Plano, TX 75075


Founder's Note

For Fruit That Will Last

What started out as a dream of overflowing orchards in 1991 has blossomed into a ministry that has touched the lives of thousands of orphans, volunteers, staff, and supporters. Livada is the Romanian word for orchard and serves as a symbol of what we want our ministry to continue to do: bear fruit that will last. Today Livada continues to focus on fulfilling our original mission to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

 Please come and experience what Livada has to offer. It could change your life. It has certainly changed ours.

Bruce Thomas

Livada Orphan Care

What Makes Us Different

We Provide Homes for Kids Without One

Residential care through a full-time, family style approach in group homes, mentor apartments, and private foster care

We Address the Needs of the Abandoned

Cradle Care of abandoned infants and toddlers in hospital wards and domestic foster to adopt program

We Reach Kids Where They Are

Orphan Outreach to abandoned kids in state care facilities through a combination of serving both the felt and spiritual needs of the children

We Focus on Keeping Families Together

Prevention of Abandonment efforts in Gypsy villages, providing supplemental counseling, physical aid, employment search assistance and other social services in effort to help struggling families stay together


Years of






mission trip participants

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More About Livada

Our History

Ministry Structure


Financial Info

Financial Info


Even though almost fifty years of communist dictatorial rule ended in 1989, Ceausescu’s horrendous legacy did not. In Romania today, tens of thousands of children are still warehoused in state orphanages, hidden away in impoverished hospitals, forcefully reintegrated into abusive and dangerous situations with distant relatives, kidnapped and trafficked, or shuffled through various forms of rudimentary foster care. While there have been major improvements, especially as a result of the increased focus on Romania’s social problems by the West and the European Union, the future for the majority of abandoned and at-risk children continues to be bleak.

Read about Livada's detailed history by clicking here.


There are an estimated 60,000 abandoned children and 200,000 highly at-risk vulnerable Gypsy children in Romania today. UNICEF reports that the abandonment rate has remained unchanged in the past 30 years.

Livada’s holistic approach begins by nurturing orphans in the cradle and ends with them becoming faithful, interdependent, contributing members of society. The platform of all programs is a discipleship process leading to life change and personal responsibility.

Today there are four major departments of our local ministry:

  1. Full-time, Family-Style Residential care. This is made up of private group homes, mentor apartments, and foster care.
  2. Cradle Care to abandoned infants and toddlers in hospital wards, foster care and adoption.
  3. Orphan Outreach to orphans in state care. This involves highly relational weekly Christian clubs, humanitarian aid, dental care, evangelistic summer camps, and discipleship groups.
  4. Prevention of Abandonment to at-risk Roma (Gypsy) kids and poor families. This ministry offers weekly Christian clubs, humanitarian aid, and crisis intervention.

And one growing aspect of ministry that allows us to multiply our experience nationally:

Co-founders of the Romania Without Orphans Alliance (Alianta Romania Fara Orfani arfo.ro) of orphan care providers, which helps to

a) Train adoptive parents, foster parents, and caregivers in trauma-informed care,

b) Mobilize the Church in Romania to care for vulnerable kids and families in their communities and

c) Mobilize the government for better child protection legislation and action.

Results to Date

  • Today Livada weekly impacts hundreds of orphans and at-risk kids in state care, impoverished villages, and private care.
  • We host an average of 100 mission trip participants per year.
  • We manage private group homes, private foster care, private mentor apartments.
  • We run Christian summer camps for orphans in state care and vulnerable children from at risk Roma (Gypsy) villages.

Funding Plan

  • Entity Funding sources: 89% Individuals, 3% Businesses, and 8% Churches
  • Child Sponsorship, Corporate Matching, Church mission budgetary support, Fundraising Events, and monthly/annual donations from individuals are the main income venues
  • Mission trip administration fees and minor investments are the other sources of income
  • An active database of 3000+ donors is communicated with monthly by email/quarterly letters
  • A capital campaign for a Gypsy Day Center and Counseling Center is underway

Livada Orphan Care, Inc. is a licensed 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the USA and an accredited, registered Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Romania. Contributions are solicited with the understanding that Livada Orphan Care has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. Livada Orphan Care is a 501(c)(3) and contributions are tax deductible under section 170 of the Internal Revenue Tax Code. This contribution is made with the understanding that Livada Orphan Care has control and administration over the use of the donated funds. We commit to manage your gift with integrity, and we will use it to meet the represented needs in the most effective way possible. Should the project you are supporting become sufficiently funded, your donation may be directed to other projects that are most closely aligned with the original intent of the donation. EIN#01-0576849

IRS Filings, Financial Reports and Statements

  • Public copies of all financial filings are available upon request. Please email [email protected] or call us at 972.941.4416.

Livada Orphan Care, Inc. is a licensed 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the USA and an accredited, registered Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Romania. Contributions are solicited with the understanding that Livada Orphan Care has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.

IRS Filings, Financial Reports and Statements

  • Public copies of all financial filings are available upon request. Please email [email protected] or call us at 972.941.4416.

Livada Orphan Care (USA), Stichting Livada (Netherlands), and Fundatia LOC (Romania) are separate legal entities independently working on common goals and projects to assist orphans and at-risk Roma kids in Romania.

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More Than 3000+
Kids Served So Far

become a volunteer

Become Their Hero

It takes a lot of staff and volunteers to run our programs throughout the year. Consider helping us by serving on camp staff, volunteering, joining/forming a mission team, or joining our staff as a missionary or intern.

U.S. Staff, STINT Staff, Romanian Staff, Board of Directors

Meet Our Team

Since 2001 Livada has been advised, encouraged and held accountable by an Executive Board of Directors. Livada is also held accountable by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) by adhering to  the highest standards of ethical fundraising and accounting standards, is a GuideStar Gold Standard Member, Ministry Ventures Mastery Certified non-profit, and consistently “Top-Rated” charity with greatnonprofits.org. 


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