The Need
With a large number of orphaned and abandoned children in substandard state care, few national adoptions each year, and a ban on international adoptions, a bleak future for these children remains. Several years ago, the Romanian government slowly began to move children from large state orphanages to state group homes. In many cases, this shift served only as a change in location for these children and not in the care they received.
Also Known As:
Residential Care
Sancrai & Santana, Mures County |
# Kids Reached:
35 in group homes & 20 graduates

Our Response
As our “LOC kids” have grown and moved out on their own, or into mentor apartments, we began to search for the next generation of children to bring into our full-time care. In 2014, we had the privilege of converting part of our space into an area designed specifically for six toddlers and pre-schoolers that we were able to remove from state care. These children moved into a space known as “Casa Julianna”. They are currently the only children in our full time care.
Some of these children had been in state institutions since birth and knew nothing of a life in a family until they were brought out of the orphanage into our care. Others were with their natural families for a time, but following abuse, neglect, poverty or other conditions, they were abandoned to the state. Livada’s Christian group homes go far beyond taking children from a large institution and putting them in a house. Our group homes are just that – HOMES.

The children are cared for by a loving staff who attend to healing their hurts from past neglect, abuse, and abandonment, and help them develop into healthy adults. Healing such as this involves intense psychological, medical, and educational care; coupled with spiritual, social, and life skills training.
Therapy Camp
Teen boys experience a week away
Daily physical activities, check-in, journaling, buddy talks, role play and more. Click, the play button to watch the video.
It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.
-Frederick Douglass
Proven Results

Physical Changes:
- An open heart surgery for Bella
- Two knee surgeries for Emese
- Eye surgery for Sergiu
- Glasses for 13 children
- Healthy food & proper medical attention
- Repaired teeth and proper dental care
- Daily tutoring, speech and language therapy, and other programs have brought marked educational growth
Emotional Changes:
- Recurring nightmares ceased
- Growing trust and communication
- Understanding & proper respect for authority without fear
- Slow but steady healing of past hurts through counseling
- Intense therapy & training by Western specialists
- Smiles on faces of children once without hope
- Kati at Casa Ana allowing others to get close
- Rocking & other self comforting techniques replaced by proper interactions and words
Spiritual Changes:
- Understanding that they are loved and valuable
- Weekly attendance at local Sunday School and Church services
- Showing interest in the Lord and the way He wants them to live
- Bible studies and clubs for older & younger kids
- Many of the children in these houses have accepted Christ as their Savior
We Can't Do This
Without You
Join our 50+ monthly donors, or give a one-time donation to help Livada Orphan Care fulfill its mission to Romanian children.
Your Donation Is Handled With Care
Livada Orphan Care is a charter member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) and follows the highest ethical standards.
A Sound Donations Policy
Our policy is to apply all gifts given toward a specific project to that project. Occasionally, we receive more contributions than can be wisely applied to a specific project. When that happens, we use the excess funds to meet other pressing needs.