
2001 W. Plano Parkway, Suite 3430, Plano, TX 75075


"I was a volunteer this summer. And Livada is the place where I met awesome and heart-loving people, both from staff and other volunteers. For me it was a first-time but they really made me feel like I was part of something bigger, I was part of their familly. There is not a bad thing I can say about this nonprofit organization."
Alexandru P
“Last year in camp I liked the most the water games and "the shark" game and also the story time because we learn about God. I can't wait to go to camp this year!”
Age 10
“I loved the most the water games, the songs and the skits. We learned about kids in the Bible of our age who were brave and courageous. I enjoyed camp because we learn new things and we have so much fun!”
Age 10
“Livada Orphan Care has shown tremendous love and passion for the abandoned children of Romania. I have been blessed to work with them for 5 summers and serve alongside them in day camps. They provide for the spiritual, physical, educational and health related needs of these children.”
"WOW! Volunteering with Livada Orphan Care was such a blessing! As we loved upon precious lives, we made friends and experienced joy that can only come from true love! Thank you LOC for loving the one and listening to the Fathers heart."
"I served with Livada as a team member with my church one summer and then as an intern a few summers after. The heart for Jesus and children this ministry has is endearing. I loved being a part of this ministry and literally being the hands and feet of Jesus. This ministry isn't just about going, sharing Jesus and leaving....they plant roots, they share Jesus, build enduring relationships and bring glory to Jesus' name!"
Summer Intern
"This organization is amazing! They are truly servants who pour their lives into serving the Romanian children, orphans, and people. I volunteered with them for several years and couldn't have been more blessed! Wonderful organization!"
"This is the best place for a kid to be raised, helped, take care of, loved and nurtured!!! Here I found people with a genuine heart to help and love those who are helpless and were unloved! But now they are loved and have hope for tomorrow!"
Client Served
"I am impressed with the heart of the leadership of Livada Orphan Care. Their love for the Lord and for seeing the orphans in Romania grow, thrive and develop healthy relationships with adult mentors is encouraging. My church has begun to gather donations and such for the ministry and my 20 yr old daughter was a summer intern at LOC this past summer 2015. It was life changing for her and she wants to continue in some capacity to serve the orphans she mentored. Livada Orphan Care is a solid, well structured ministry that has a deep impact on the lives of Romanian orphans."
Parent of Summer Intern
"I'm not American, and possibly that's why this org simply stunned me. Why, of all places, would you put in so much effort, for the kids of a tiny, unknown, area of Romania? So I went, and I saw, and it left me changed for the (so much) better. It's hard to put into words the greatness of the people that I had the pleasure of working with. I've volunteered for Livada for about 2 years and it's been a fantastic opportunity to bring change to my community, to be able to work with so many wonderful kids, other energic volunteer, and larger than life staff."
Andreea C.
Local Volunteer
"I had the wonderful privilege of being part of a team working with Livada the Summer of 2001! It was definitely a life changing experience. God had allowed me to live in Romania as a missionary kid years prior to this trip. However, it was during the time spent with Bruce and the other leadership that I became aware of my own deep desire to serve in Romania! We lived and lead Camps, VBS style, for hundreds of orphans over the course of the summer. The Gospel was clearly presented day after day as we had the honor of loving these precious children! That was the first summer Livada impacted Romania and my life, but it’s ministry and work continue to inspire and bless uncountable numbers to this day. I am a supporter and a benefactor of my time spent on a short term mission trip with Livada Orphan Care!"
Amber Lynn B.
"My church has partnered with Livada for many years and I have been to Romania 5 times so far. My trip for 2020, unfortunately, was canceled due to Covid. But I am part of a prayer team for Livada's specific needs. I love working with the children and the LOC staff as we strive to show them the love of God. If you want to change a life or change your own, take the time to get involved with Livada. You will never regret it and God will never forget it."
Mission Volunteer
"This organization changes lives every day. Their impact will be felt for generations to come!"
K.C. White
"Awesome organization !!! My wife and I keep coming back year after year to see the fruit of this ministry."
"I have personally worked with this ministry for multiple years. Livada is an ethical and fiscally responsible non-profit organization. I would recommend it to anyone seeking to invest or donate to a ministry that helps children."
Weston Eckert
"So dedicated to the children in Romania. The full time team stateside and in county are wonderfully humble. Love how it's a life long commitment to the kids, a true family!"
Em Cassell