
2001 W. Plano Parkway, Suite 3430, Plano, TX 75075


Category: Ministries

Foster CareLOC KidsMinistriesOgra KidsOrphan OutreachPrevention

Getting to Know Livada Orphan Care

A podcast introduction to the ministry of Livada Orphan Care

31 days

31 Days of Kindness Campaign

Click on the title or image for each day’s Kindness Challenge to take the “next step” and complete the challenge. 

Day 1: Pray for Orphans

Click above to check out our prayer cards and let them guide you on how to pray for orphans and Livada Orphan Care today.

Day 2: Sponsor a Child

Consider sponsoring a child for as little as $10 per month. Learn more on our sponsorship page by clicking above.

Day 3: Send Encouraging Notes

Write a note of encouragement to one of our children or staff. Send it to [email protected] and we'll delivery your love and encouragement!

Day 4: Donate a Meal

Help us bless an orphan with a nutritious meal. Donate $10 or more now by clicking above.

Day 5: Share Livada's Story

Follow us on social media and tag a friend to help help spread Livada's mission. Or click the link above, find a favorite video (bottom of page), and share it with friends.

Day 6: Volunteer Locally

We need communities like yours to help us collect hygiene packs, socks and underwear to send to our kids. Could we help your family, church, office, or civic group organize a packing event? Contact [email protected].

Day 7: Start a Fundraiser

Set a small goal of $100 or $200. Every dollar helps changes lives! Get started now by clicking the link above.

Day 8: Host a Livada Night

Host a movie, dinner or dessert night to raise awareness for Livada. Contact us for resources to help make your event a success.

Day 9: Donate Clothing

Shirts, shoes, dresses, underwear, and more are always needed to help our growing kids look and feel their best. Click the link above to donate toward any or all of these items.

Day 10: Follow Livada

Follow Livada on all our social media platforms. (see links, top right of website header). Tag three friends and help us grow our community.

Day 11: Support Orphan Sunday

Make plans now to participate in November's Orphan Sunday. Download the field guide, including the legacy stories of Orphan Sunday + Stand Sunday, recommended marketing timelines, shareable resources, and more.

Day 12: Make a One Time Donation

Any amount makes a difference. Give today and transform a life.

Day 13: Designate a Gift Through Paypal's Giving Fund

Do you have a business or side hustle that collects payments through PayPal? You can donate directly from your PayPal account to Livada. Click the logo above for more details.

Day 14: Visit Romania

Whether for a mission trip or a day visit, we'd be honored to have you see Livada Orphan Care's work firsthand.

Day 15: Celebrate Team Members

Share stories about Livada staff or volunteers. Contact us with your stories or notes of appreciation, and we will pass them on to thank these amazing people.

Day 16: Write a Positive Review

Have you had a positive experience as a volunteer or donor with Livada? Post your positive review on one of our social platforms.

Day 17: Share Your Kindness Story

Have you participated in an act of kindness for Livada? Share your act of kindness and tag Livada in your post on social media.

Day 18: Send a Care Package

School supplies, hygiene items, socks, underwear, shoes, coloring pages, crafts, etc. are always welcome. The address for direct mail to Romania can be found on our contact page.

Day 19: Host a Bake Sale

On your own, or with a group of friends, bake some delicious cookies, cakes, breads, brownies, etc. and donate the proceeds to Livada. Contact us for tools and ideas to get started.

Day 20: Learn About Livada

Browse our website. Learn m ore about Livada to equip you on how to become an advocate or ambassador for our ministry. Teach others about the great things God is doing through Livada.

Day 21: Give the Gift of Education

Help our kids with a gift toward school supplies, backpacks or field trips and know that you're contributing to their very important education.

Day 22: Run a Virtual Race

Organize a virtual race and invite people to race with you, regardless of where they are. Set up a virtual race across Romania, or anywhere on the map you choose! Collect sponsors and donate the funds to Livada. Click to learn more.

Day 23: Be a Social Media Ambassador

Make it a habit to regularly like, comment and share Livada's social media posts and invite others to follow and support our mission. See our socials on our website (header and footer).

Day 24: Advocate for Orphans

Share statistics about global orphan care, speak to your church's missions committee about getting involved, and/or advocate for orphan care reforms with government agencies.

Day 25: Thank a Donor

Volunteer to help us write thank you notes to our donors for all they do for Livada. Contact us to learn how you can help in this way.

Day 26: Encourage Foster Care

Fostering allows a child to bond with and be nurtured in a more intimate environment by a set of “parents.” Learn how you can support or participate in Livada's foster care program by clicking above.

Day 27: Sign up for our Newsletter

Learn more about how Livada shows and promotes kindness through our email newsletter - and stay connected to learn how you can partner with us and show kindness to the kids we serve for years to come.

Day 28: Host a Birthday Fundraiser

Learn more about how Livada shows and promotes kindness through our email newsletter - and stay connected to learn how you can partner with us and show kindness to the kids we serve for years to come.

Day 29: Donate Points or Miles

Check with your credit card or airline rewards program to see if they allow you to donate your rewards to support Livada's work.

Day 30: Pray for Romania

Learn more about how you can pray specifically for the nation of Romania on the Operation World website at the linked photo/headline above.

Day 31: Celebrate Kindness

Share how you've participated in Livada's 31 Days of Kindness campaign on social media and tag Livada to encourage others to do the same.


Romania’s Hidden Crisis: The Orphan Epidemic and What You Can Do to Help

Discover how you can make a lasting impact on the lives of Romanian orphans. Learn about the hidden orphan crisis in Romania and how Livada Orphan Care is providing hope through child sponsorship, volunteer opportunities, and prayer. Find out how your support can transform a child’s future and help break the cycle of neglect and poverty.

photo of orphanage
MinistriesRomanian Culture

Romanian Orphanages and the Rise of Alternative Care for Romanian Orphans

In the aftermath of Romania’s communist regime, the world witnessed the harrowing conditions within its orphanages, sparking global action and leading to a profound transformation in how orphans are cared for. Livada Orphan Care has played a pivotal role in this journey, helping to replace institutional care with compassionate alternatives like foster care, family reintegration, and small group homes, ensuring that every child receives the nurturing environment they deserve.

Camp Girl pink bandana

Just Like Sweet Summer Peaches

Because of some very generous Livada donors, for every dollar you donate between TODAY and September 11th, it will be matched, doubling the impact of your gift.


March Ministry Madness 2023

March Madness is a good symbol for all of the fun March Ministry that has taken place in Romania. I just got back from a quick trip there and it was extremely encouraging to see the creative ways that God’s Word continues to be delivered through the platform of orphan care. To God be the glory. We are humbled and grateful for all the signs of growth.

  • We had a winter “boot drop” in which the kids all got winter boots and socks. (The Livada Spring Clothes Drive is coming up in April!) 
  • We had a very fun mother-daughter team from California come to help and see all things “livada.” It was a treat to see all of the current impact through their eyes. Gail and Tori really blessed us and greatly encouraged the LOC staff.
  • The contract was signed with a second hospital to help with more abandoned babies needing daily care. Our foster kids are thriving but we need more foster parents who are faithful and that have passion and a calling for this.
  • A new Ukrainian family has moved into Casa Rebeca. They will assist us with renovations, greenhouses, AND ministering the Good News to the dozens of other Ukrainian refugees staying with us at Casa Rene. 
  • Follow Up clubs have resumed for the government group homes in Mures county. Pray with us that we can get all clubs up and running again.
  • Ogra ministry clubs and after school programs are thriving in this Roma (Gypsy) village AND the Ogra teens that live in the high school dorms in Targu Mures are being well loved and discipled by Niss. (She reports that they are ALWAYS hungry and call her often for extra food and other school needs.)

There is ALWAYS more to tell than space or time permits. ENJOY THE WINTER PHOTOS FROM ROMANIA MINISTRY IN ACTION BELOW. Please keep the ministry of Livada in your prayers for continued fruit that will last.

Warmly in Christ from Snowy Romania!

Bruce and the amazing staff of Fundatia LOC

“For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven,

And do not return there without watering the earth

And making it bear and sprout,

And furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater;

So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth;

It will not return to Me empty,

Without accomplishing what I desire,

And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.

Isaiah 55:10-11


SWEET Christmas Party Pics 2022

Sweet Christmas parties were led by AMAZING LOC staff who had presents for each child by name, special food, games, and reading the Christmas story. More details at: