Bruce and Catherine Thomas (and Sam, Charlie, and Graham) | 2001-2008 |
Lindsay Chatfield Tucholski | 2002-2004 |
Dana Schiavo Cortright | 2002-2003 |
John and Carrie Isley | 2003-2004 |
Troy Everling | 2003-2004 |
Brian and Lee Ann Briley (and Faith, Jules, and Isaiah) | 2003-2008 |
Becky Kyle | 2003-2008 |
Andew and Cristina Vidal (and Katherine Joy) | 2003-2008 |
Miram Smit | 2003-2004 |
Becky DeGarmo White | 2004-2006 |
Kelly Hornsby | 2004-2009 |
Angela Hastings | 2005-2008 |
Bethany Tibbetts | 2006 |
Jannes de Jong | 2006 |
Scotty Kubin | 2008 |
Rebecca Rasmussen-Cinca | 2006-2015 |
Paul and Fiona Coles | 2006-2008 |
Sarah Mezaros | 2009 |
Jeff and Jenny McDonnell (and Jack) | 2009-2011 |
Nicole Rast Triff | 2010-present |
Terry Short | 2012-2013 |
Alexandra Praytor | 2012-2016 |
Justin Hendrix | 2014-2015 |
Emily Rodenbach-Derta | 2015-present |
Amy Beger | 2015 |
Jo Fletcher | 2016-present |
Stephen Howard | 2016 |
Carter Green | 2016-2019 |
Allyson Lim | 2017-2019 |
Audrey Dukes | 2018 |
Sarah Moore | 2019-2021 |

Interested in Serving as a STINT Missionary?
Short Term Inter-National Teams
STINT Missionaries are Western missionaries working alongside our Romanian staff & volunteers to minister to vulnerable Romanian kids.

Missionary Overview
Thank you for your interest in the STINT program with Livada Orphan Care. In this overview, we will try to answer your questions in general and hopefully other details as well. This summary will include information on the ministry of Livada Orphan Care, the purpose of STINT, the different job roles, and an estimated budget for this endeavor.
What is STINT?
STINT stands for Short Term InterNational Teams. We believe that western missionaries can add invaluable expertise to our national staff and national volunteer base. We are looking for individuals who desire to serve in multiple capacities.
Therefore, we are looking for people to help with the following: outreach ministry coordination (lead a team of Romanian volunteers in year round ministry to the 20+ group homes scattered throughout Mures county), discipleship (of older orphans, staff, and volunteers), children’s ministers, youth ministers, camp directors, recreation specialists, social workers, counselors, child welfare specialists, teachers, special education teachers, infant and toddler caregivers, medical professionals, psychologists, behavioral specialists, agricultural specialists, business entrepreneurs, administrators, and other professionals who want to make a difference with their daily labor.
What is the purpose of STINT?
Our desire is to assemble a team of Christian, western individuals to work alongside our Romanian staff and volunteers to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by ministering to vulnerable Romanian children.
What is the period of service?
A one-year, two-year, or open-ended commitment.
Who will lead this endeavor?
Our LOC Executive Director, other STINT missionaries in Romania, and our Livada Executive Director, Bruce Thomas, with the Operations Manager (who are based in the USA) will aid in the leadership of the STINT missionaries.
What is the cost to become a STINT missionary?
The estimated cost for an American to live in Romania for one year has many variables. The following is an ESTIMATE for a single missionary. There is a one-time cost and a monthly total that would need to be raised.
- The one time cost would be approximately $8,000 for a single person to cover round trip airfare, initial set up, visa, etc.
- The total monthly need would be approximately $2,000 (x 12 = $24,000).
- Therefore, the total need for one year would be $32,000. Upon acceptance as a STINT missionary, Livada will assist in creating a personalized, detailed budget with the new missionary, as many variables must be considered.
What would a typical day/week look like?
Beginning each day in prayer is HIGHLY recommended. Once a month, you will be part of the directorial staff meetings. Bi-weekly, you will have department staff meetings for the ministry area of which you work most frequently. (e.g. Group Home, Mentors, Outreach, Gypsy Prevention of Abandonment, Baby Hospital, etc.) You will be required to give a report at that time of your ministry activity since the last meeting. Typically, each staff person goes about their respective business to either directly minister to the orphans, prepare volunteers to minister to the kids, or prepare themselves to minister to the at-risk kids we serve.
A minimum 40-hour workweek is expected. Large ministry projects are always in the works of which the entire staff will be involved to see to completion (i.e. humanitarian aid distributions, visiting teams, summer camps, large group volunteer meetings, Christmas parties, weekly orphan bible study, etc.) Language lessons will be a part of every two-year STINT participant’s week and is strongly recommended for the one-year STINT participants.
What does the application process involve?
Step 1 – Application: A Livada application must be filled out and submitted to the Livada US office.
Step 2 – References: Three references are checked as provided on the application.
Step 3 – Interviews: A series of phone, video, or face-to-face interviews will take place to better assess the applicant’s desire and qualifications to join Livada.
Step 4 – Approval: A Letter of Acceptance will communicate the approval of the applicant by Livada’s Executive Staff.
Step 5 – Final Approval: Candidates will reach 100% of the support raised, including their first month’s expenses and travel costs to go overseas.
Step 6 – Orientation: Candidate must attend a mandatory field orientation training.
Step 7 – Compensation: Staff member completes documents to begin drawing compensation.
Step 8 – Deployment: Livada gives final approval to a new overseas missionary.
If accepted, how will I be prepared for the STINT program?
Livada will help walk the approved STINT candidate through the process of raising support. Also, an orientation will take place in Plano, Texas, to better prepare the candidate for life and ministry in Romania. Livada staff will be available to answer questions and offer advice throughout this time.
Our Current STINT Missionaries

Nicole Triff
Prevention of Abandonment – Social Pedagogue
Emily Rodenbach-Derta
Group Home Parent