
Donate Back-to-School Clothing


2001 W. Plano Parkway, Suite 3430, Plano, TX 75075


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Green Week Brings Hygiene Essentials to Lăscud Elementary School

During Green Week, the children from Lăscud Elementary School, spanning classes from kindergarten to fourth grade, received a generous donation of hygiene products. Each child was given a towel, soap, shower gel, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, and antiperspirant. These essential items are not only practical but also serve as a valuable lesson in personal care and health. The dedicated teachers at Lăscud Elementary took this opportunity to educate the children on the importance of hygiene. They emphasized how maintaining cleanliness contributes to overall health and well-being, instilling habits that will benefit the children for a lifetime. This impactful project was made possible by the enthusiastic twelfth-grade B students from the “Mihai Eminescu” Pedagogical College in Târgu Mureș. Responding to the call initiated by the LOC Foundation, these students showcased their commitment to community service and support for younger generations. We are excited to continue this initiative and are still collecting hygiene products to benefit more children. Your contributions can help us reach even more kids, ensuring they have the necessary tools to stay healthy and confident. Join us in making a difference! Donate hygiene products today and support the well-being of children in our community.