
2001 W. Plano Parkway, Suite 3430, Plano, TX 75075


Romanian Culture

Orphanhood and Abandonment and the Roma (Gypsy) People of Romania

Romania has one of the highest numbers of institutionalized children in Europe, a significant portion of whom come from Roma families. The root causes are complex, involving a mix of economic instability, inadequate social services, and cultural factors.

LOC Kids

Marga’s Story

Marga’s story of love, support, and healing at the Loc Foundation, where she found a family, overcame abandonment, and discovered the importance of faith.

LOC Kids

Meet Marin, Age 12

“I started attending the foundation’s activities when I was 5 years old. Now I am almost 12. At the LOC foundation, I have become more mature.

I enjoyed the sports activities the most. I remember a few gifts I received that I really enjoyed: a toy gun, remote-controlled cars, and a smart watch. I come to the foundation to have fun. My favorite activity is playing hide-and-seek. During one camp, I played with water balloons and did archery, which I can’t wait to do again.

I am grateful to the LOC foundation for welcoming me every time to their activities, and I appreciate everything I have learned from them and through them over the years.”


Green Week Brings Hygiene Essentials to Lăscud Elementary School

During Green Week, the children from Lăscud Elementary School, spanning classes from kindergarten to fourth grade, received a generous donation of hygiene products. Each child was given a towel, soap, shower gel, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, and antiperspirant. These essential items are not only practical but also serve as a valuable lesson in personal care and health. The dedicated teachers at Lăscud Elementary took this opportunity to educate the children on the importance of hygiene. They emphasized how maintaining cleanliness contributes to overall health and well-being, instilling habits that will benefit the children for a lifetime. This impactful project was made possible by the enthusiastic twelfth-grade B students from the “Mihai Eminescu” Pedagogical College in Târgu Mureș. Responding to the call initiated by the LOC Foundation, these students showcased their commitment to community service and support for younger generations. We are excited to continue this initiative and are still collecting hygiene products to benefit more children. Your contributions can help us reach even more kids, ensuring they have the necessary tools to stay healthy and confident. Join us in making a difference! Donate hygiene products today and support the well-being of children in our community.
Caregiver TrainingRomanian Staff

TBRI Training for Volunteers: Transforming the Lives of Vulnerable Children

In a world where vulnerable children often require specialized support and care, Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) emerges as an essential tool for volunteers and professionals alike. This holistic, research-based approach is designed to enhance relationships and support the harmonious development of traumatized children. By training volunteers in TBRI, we ensure that these interventions are successful and that children receive the adequate support they need.

What is TBRI?

Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) is a methodology developed by Dr. Karyn Purvis and Dr. David Cross at the Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development at Texas Christian University. TBRI is grounded in three fundamental principles:

  1. Connecting: Establishing safe and trusting relationships.
  2. Empowering: Providing strategies to support the child’s physical and emotional needs.
  3. Correcting: Implementing discipline techniques that are trauma-sensitive and promote self-regulation.

Why is TBRI Training Important for Volunteers?

Volunteers play a crucial role in the lives of vulnerable children. Without adequate training, they might not fully understand the complex needs of these children or be equipped to respond effectively. TBRI training offers volunteers:

  • Knowledge about Trauma and Its Impact: Volunteers learn about the effects of trauma on cognitive and emotional development.
  • Practical Intervention Strategies: They are equipped with tools and techniques to create a safe and predictable environment.
  • Empathic Communication Skills: Volunteers learn to communicate effectively and empathetically, facilitating the creation of strong and trusting bonds.

Our TBRI Training Experience

For two weeks, our volunteers immersed themselves in a comprehensive TBRI training course, covering both theoretical concepts and practical applications. They engaged in role-playing, therapeutic drawings, deep discussions, and various other interactive activities. This intensive training equipped them with the skills needed to support and nurture vulnerable children effectively.

The Long-Term Impact

TBRI training for volunteers not only improves the lives of vulnerable children but also contributes to the creation of a more informed and empathetic community. Volunteers trained in TBRI become agents of change, spreading knowledge and positively influencing care and education practices in various contexts. Through TBRI, we pave the way for a world where every child has the chance to develop to their fullest potential in a supportive and trusting environment.

By embracing TBRI, we commit to making a lasting difference in the lives of vulnerable children. Our dedicated volunteers are now better equipped to provide the specialized care and support these children need to thrive. Together, we can create a future where every child is valued, supported, and given the opportunity to flourish.

Join us in this transformative journey. Your support and involvement can help us continue to train more volunteers and extend our reach to touch even more lives. Together, we can make a profound impact.

EventsRomanian Staff

NGO Fair, 21st Edition

In a world full of challenges, organizing and engaging in charitable projects and NGOs represent an essential aspect of building a brighter future. On May 11th, 2024, it was once again a day of celebration for NGOs in Mureș County! At the 21st edition of the NGO Fair, 31 organizations presented their activities carried out throughout the year for the well-being of the community and reconnected with each other.

NGO fairs are a vital platform for non-governmental organizations to present their mission, projects, and impact in the community. For the LOC Foundation, this occasion was more than just a presence at an event; it was an opportunity to share its story and inspire positive change.

We strove to create an interactive space at our booth. Through the variety of activities proposed, LOC demonstrated that involvement in noble causes can also be an experience full of joy and creativity.

One of the favorite activities for both children and adults was face painting. The LOC Foundation team was prepared with vibrant colors and impressive designs, transforming visitors’ faces into temporary works of art. This activity not only brought smiles to the faces of those present but also provided an opportunity to discuss the importance of artistic expression and creativity in personal development.

Balloon modeling was another attraction at the LOC booth. Children and adults enjoyed the captivating spectacle of balloons coming to life under the skilled hands of the employees. This activity not only stimulated the imagination but also served as a metaphor for human fragility and the need to support and protect the vulnerable in society. Even our mayor received a balloon puppy to remember us by.

Coloring, chalk drawing, and play dough modeling were other creative activities that attracted many participants. Each of these activities aimed to encourage free expression and underscore the importance of emotional and intellectual development in individuals.

However, the NGO Fair was not just about creativity and fun; it was also about solidarity and generosity. The LOC Foundation organized a fundraising campaign, inviting visitors to contribute to our humanitarian causes through donations. Each act of kindness brought hope and support to those in need.

Last but not least, the NGO Fair included a Civic Cross and Civic Solidarity March where members and beneficiaries of Mureș NGOs, as well as members of the community, could show their support for the work of NGOs and volunteers through participation.

The diverse activities offered by the NGO Fair bridged entertainment and social awareness. Through these initiatives, the LOC Foundation managed to draw attention to its humanitarian causes and inspire participants to get involved in building a better future for all.

DonationsLOC KidsPrevention

Summer Clothes Drive 2024

We are currently working with approximately 500+ children and teens in orphan group homes and in our prevention of abandonment ministry. All of them need new athletic shoes, socks, and underwear. For the abandoned kids in state care and the LOC kids in our private full-time care, we also need approximately 270 complete summer outfits.

Please consider joining with us to bless these kids with new summer clothes in Jesus’ name.

INSTRUCTIONS:  Click on any icon/photo below to purchase an item for a child/teen.
If you wish to purchase multiple items, click on the photo, then enter the multiple total on the check out page. That will allow you to calculate the total number of items you wish to purchase for the kids, enter your information on our secure check out page, and receive your receipt by email.

*Because of Romanian Customs Taxes, we cannot accept in-kind gifts of clothes/shoes directly at our US office. All of these items will be purchased in Romania and distributed directly to the kids we serve. We will send out tax deductible receipts AND an end of the summer full report with photos and stories. 

For Fruit That Will Last,
Bruce & the Livada Team

Thank you again for partnering with us.

Email us at [email protected] with any questions or Call us at 972.941.4416.

Caregiver TrainingRomanian Staff

Empowering Our Volunteers: A Journey of Compassion and Connection

We recently held our inaugural two-part training session for our new volunteers in Romania, and the energy in the room was truly inspiring. Sixty passionate individuals gathered, each brimming with enthusiasm and a shared commitment to making a difference in the lives of vulnerable children. From the outset, the atmosphere was filled with promise and determination, as we all came together with a common goal: to contribute positively to our community through our work with Livada Orphan Care.

During our time together, we ensured that our training was not just about learning but also about connecting on a deeper level. We organized interactive activities that allowed us to break the ice, get to know each other better, and build strong team bonds. Laughter echoed through the room as we engaged in creative and fun exercises, sharing moments of joy that brought us closer together. These interactions were not just enjoyable; they were instrumental in laying the foundation for a cohesive and supportive volunteer team.

Our discussions began with a heartfelt exploration of the importance and impact of our work with these children. Volunteers shared personal stories and experiences, highlighting meaningful moments and lessons learned from past interactions. Each story evoked strong emotions and reinforced our collective belief that every act of compassion and support can profoundly impact the lives of those we serve.

With open minds and hearts, we delved into planning our upcoming summer camps. We discussed a range of activities, from recreational to educational programs, all aimed at creating a safe, inclusive, and enriching environment for the children. Every volunteer had the opportunity to contribute ideas and suggestions, ensuring that our camps would be a memorable and beneficial experience for all participants.

As the day drew to a close, we left with hearts full of positive emotions and a renewed confidence in our ability to make a real difference. The connections we made and the motivation we felt were palpable. We are ready to embark on this journey, sharing joys, inspiring others, and serving as role models for those in need. With each passing day, we are determined to bring more light and hope into the lives of the children we serve.

This is just the beginning of a beautiful and meaningful journey with Livada Orphan Care, and we are ready to embrace every moment with enthusiasm and dedication. Together, we will make a lasting impact, one act of kindness at a time.

EventsFoster Care

Easter Joy and Community Bonds: A Day of Celebration with Orphaned Children

During the Easter holiday period, we had the privilege of organizing a special activity with orphaned children in our community. On a sunny spring day, we gathered to celebrate the spirit of Easter through play, creativity, and meaningful discussion.

We started our day with an egg hunt brimming with joy and excitement. The children eagerly searched for every hidden egg in the garden, their lively laughter filling the air. Through this activity, we aimed to promote team spirit, exploration, and a celebration of life’s simple joys, regardless of individual circumstances.

After the egg hunt, we continued with an Easter egg painting session. Each child used their imagination and creativity to create unique works of art on plaster eggs. This activity not only developed the children’s artistic skills but also provided an opportunity for them to express their emotions and thoughts in a colorful and lively manner.

But our experience didn’t stop at play and creation. We gathered in a circle to discuss the profound meaning of Easter. We talked about the death and resurrection of Jesus, sharing ideas and questions about the hope and reassurance this event brings to each of us. Through these discussions, we encouraged the children to reflect on their values and discover new and deep meanings in our religious traditions.

In the end, our activity was not just a day of fun and games but also an opportunity to share valuable lessons and strengthen our community bonds. We left with hearts full of gratitude and joy, blessed to share hope and reassurance with those who need it most. We hope that these moments are just the beginning of a deeper bond and continued collaboration for the benefit and support of vulnerable children in our community.


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EventsOrphan Outreach

Kids Discover Easter’s Meaning

Paste Ferecit means “Happy Easter” in Romanian.

This weekend, Easter will be celebrated by those using a western calendar.(Like in America) In Romania, even Protestant churches celebrate Easter using the eastern calendar. Therefore, they will be celebrating the Resurrection on May 5th. The good news is that we celebrate the meaning of Easter all year round through Livada Follow Up clubs and After-School programs. We are grateful for this freedom to consistently plant seeds, nurture them, and watch them grow in the lives of these wild kids!

We rejoice in using the platform of practical care for orphans and vulnerable Roma children and teens to share the hope of Easter. Thank you for providing the prayers and resources that give us this daily privilege. Please pray with us that we will not lose sight of this mission. We will pray that for you and your family too.

Paste Ferecit,

Bruce, Rodica, Mira and the rest of the Livada/LOC staff

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