
2001 W. Plano Parkway, Suite 3430, Plano, TX 75075


Romanian Staff


The career of Viorel Gaga, deeply rooted in faith and service, began in the early 1990s through a meaningful collaboration with Bruce Thomas, the visionary founding president of the LOC Foundation. This partnership blossomed in Târgu Mureș, Romania, amidst a collective of youth pastors and local church leaders, all united in their quest for a deeper understanding of scripture and a shared commitment to cultivating Christian leadership across local, regional, and national spheres.

This era was characterized by a profound spiritual awakening, as Vio and his colleagues felt a divine call to dedicate themselves to the youth. Their efforts were marked by intensive Bible study sessions, fervent prayers, and meticulous planning, laying a strong foundation for a mission that would define Vio’s life.

In 2009, Vio’s journey took a pivotal turn when he became intimately involved with the LOC Foundation. Assuming the roles of executive director and president of the Board of Directors, he embarked on a mission that was not just a professional commitment but a personal calling. Driven by a verse from James 1:27, Vio devoted himself to “care for orphans and widows in their distress,” embodying the essence of pure and undefiled religion before God.

For 15 years, Vio tirelessly served the foundation, pouring his heart and soul into supporting vulnerable children and upholding the biblical mandate that had guided him from the start. His tenure at LOC was more than just administrative; it was a testament to a life lived in service to others, driven by faith and a profound sense of purpose. As Vio steps into retirement, his legacy continues through the countless lives he has touched, a beacon of compassion and dedication in a world in need of both.

From all the assignments Vio has had, he has enjoyed the opportunity to mentor the team and the beneficiaries of the organization.

At the end of these years of service, Vio is thankful to the Lord, who has been good and blessed all the work.

We appreciate Vio for his kind heart, his dedication to working with vulnerable children, and always having their best interests at heart.

We have a deep appreciation for his unwavering dedication and kind-heartedness in working with vulnerable children. His genuine compassion and tireless efforts have not only impacted the lives of these children but also inspired those around him.

We also deeply admire Vio’s unwavering faith in God, which guides his actions and brings a sense of purpose to his work with vulnerable children. His commitment to fostering peace among staff members, even in challenging situations, is remarkable. His ability to cultivate a harmonious work environment while staying true to his values is truly commendable and has left a lasting impact on all of us.

For 15 years, his commitment to making a difference has been truly admirable and has left a lasting impression on all of those he came into contact with while working at Fundatia LOC.

Happy retirement, sir! Your legacy of kindness, faith, and service will continue to inspire us all.

NOTE: Vio is still with LOC serving as our European Director of Development (Fundraising).

EventsRomanian Culture

Celebrating Spring with Mărțișor: A Cherished Romanian Tradition

As spring beckons, Romania embraces a unique and heartwarming tradition that symbolizes the rejuvenation and hope that the season brings. Known as Mărțișor, this tradition is celebrated at the dawn of spring, specifically in the month of March. It is not only a cultural hallmark in Romania but also holds a special place in the hearts of those in Moldova.

Mărțișor – a term derived from “marț,” the old folk name for March, encapsulates the essence of “little March.” This tradition involves the creation and gifting of a small, yet significant object – typically fashioned from two intertwined strings, one red and the other white, culminating in a hanging tassel. This simple, yet profound symbol carries deep meanings and is a representation of spring’s arrival.

The tradition of Mărțișor is deeply rooted in Romanian culture, with the practice of wearing this symbolic ornament during the initial days of March. It is customarily worn on the chest, akin to a brooch or a lapel pin, commencing from the 1st of March. Historical practices varied, with some wearing it from the first new moon of March until a significant local holiday, which could range anywhere from March 9th to May 1st, or until the blossoming of the first tree flowers, depending on regional traditions. Previously, it was also common to wear the Mărțișor tied around the wrist or as a necklace.

The intertwining of the red and white strings is symbolic, with red representing life and vitality, like the blood of Jesus, and white symbolizing purity and new beginnings, much like the cleansing snow of winter giving way to spring. This symbolism reflects the cycle of life and nature’s rebirth, making Mărțișor a poignant reminder of the beauty and hope that spring brings.

For the children in Romania, especially those in orphanages, the tradition of Mărțișor is a beacon of joy and a symbol of the care and warmth extended by the community towards them. It is a time when the simple act of giving a Mărțișor can light up a child’s face with a smile, making them feel loved and part of the community’s embrace of spring.

The Mărțișor tradition is a beautiful expression of cultural identity and communal solidarity. It is a testament to the resilience and spirit of the Romanian people, who cherish and uphold their traditions, passing them down through generations. As we celebrate Mărțișor, we are reminded of the power of traditions to bring us together, foster a sense of belonging, and spread happiness.

This spring, as we embrace the spirit of renewal and hope, let us remember the significance of the Mărțișor and the joy it brings to the hearts of many, especially the children who look forward to this gesture of love and inclusion. The Mărțișor is not just a symbol of spring; it is a symbol of our collective hope, care, and the enduring spirit of community.

EventsOgra Kids

Be Our Valentine

Valentine’s Day, celebrated on February 14th each year, is more than just a commercial holiday filled with chocolates, flowers, and heart-shaped cards. At its core, Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love and affection between intimate companions, a day dedicated to expressing love and appreciation for those we hold dear. This tradition, rooted in both Christian and ancient Roman tradition, has evolved over the centuries into a global celebration that transcends cultural and geographical boundaries, reminding us of the universal importance of love in human connection and well-being.

However, Valentine’s Day also offers a unique opportunity to extend our expressions of love beyond the conventional boundaries of romantic and familial relationships. It invites us to consider those who may not regularly experience the warmth and care most of us take for granted, such as the high school students Livada works with in Ogra. This year, during a group therapy meeting for those same high school students, we asked “What does love really mean?” Love means getting involved. Making a difference. It’s something you don’t just say, but something you do. Livada Orphan Care works tirelessly in Romania to provide love, support, and care to orphans, ensuring they have access to the essentials of life and the opportunity to grow in a nurturing environment.

Through your support of Livada’s work with teenagers, you not only adhere to the true essence of Valentine’s Day but also contribute to a cause that has a lasting impact on the lives of vulnerable young people. This act of kindness and generosity embodies the love and compassion at the heart of Valentine’s Day, transforming our celebration into a meaningful gesture that reaches across borders to touch the lives of those less fortunate. So, this Valentine’s Day, expand your understanding of love by supporting Livada Orphan Care, making a difference in the world one child at a time.

PreventionRomanian Staff

Meet Loradana Iacobs

Every journey has a beginning, and mine with the LOC Foundation commenced in 2002. This initiation coincided with my employment at a special needs school that had a collaboration with the Ludus orphanage. At that time, having just completed a specialization in special psych pedagogy, my focus revolved entirely around working with disabled children from the orphanage. My commitment to this cause persisted, encompassing various educational institutions and organizations, until a moment of realization prompted me to aspire to more meaningful impact—something that could prevent these children from reaching dire circumstances.

This pivotal moment unfolded when Providence presented a new opportunity through the LOC Foundation five years ago. I seized the chance to work with abandoned babies in pediatric hospitals, an experience that served as a breath of fresh air for me—an opportunity to recharge and actively contribute to the healthier development of these forsaken children.

In 2021, I was afforded another enriching opportunity within the LOC Foundation: to work in the Prevention of Abandonment department within a Roma community, specifically in an after-school program. It brings me immense joy to support these children on their learning journey and to impart whatever the Lord has placed in my heart.

Beyond being just a job, I consider myself blessed to play a role in God’s work in this manner.

We appreciate Loredana for her serving heart and dedication to helping every baby or child reach its full potential. She is a great colleague, flexible, and dedicated to our Foundation’s mission.

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Anton: Finally Adopted

This is foster care – interceding into dark stories in order to bring light into them. It’s advocating the cause of the helpless, seeking justice for the defenseless, and maintaining the rights of the oppressed. This is exactly what Jesus has done for us. We, therefore, are called to do the same for them.

In 2014, one of the foster families evaluated by the LOC Foundation chose to beautify the life of Anton, who had a painful history, welcoming him with open arms at the age of only 5 months into their family. Anton was born into a dysfunctional family, not having recognized paternity; his mother was 24 years old and without living conditions. She had three more children whom she gave into state care and decided to abandon, too. His cognitive, emotional, and social development in the foster family was significant. However, over time, as Anton grew and developed, the trauma of abandonment was more and more evident in his behavior, and we had to intervene with therapeutic interventions for Anton.  After a lot of work and prayer, the results came, which were an encouragement both for us and for the family.

Six years ago, we started to take steps to search for Anton’s biological family and obtain the consent of all relatives up to the 4th grade so that Anton could be declared adoptable. After long searches and other steps, we managed to obtain the signatures of all the relatives. Our joy was even greater when the foster family expressed their desire to adopt Anton as their forever son. Today, Simon Anton Kevin (Kevin is the new name after adoption) is 10 years old and happy to have a forever family.

We are grateful to God for such families as the Simon family, who love Anton immeasurably and work hard every day to give him everything he needs to grow and develop beautifully and become the best version of himself. What an amazing grace to be able to contribute beauty to the brokenness!

“At the end of our days, we’ll measure the success of our years not by the places we went or the things we created, but by the people we loved and the lives we changed. Fostering a family is nothing if not the opportunity to successfully spend your life for this purpose.”

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Romanian Staff

Emil Moldovan’s Story

In 1997, after a couple of years working as a leader in youth Christian camps, someone asked me to come and help for one week at their first VBS camp at Ludus Orphanage. I had never been in an orphanage before, had no prior contact with any orphans, and I knew that first impressions are important. However, for me, that week left a lasting impression.

From that moment on, I started assisting with the VBS programs in the orphanages at Big Blue and Ludus. With each passing week, the desire to share the gospel with the kids and become a big brother for the orphaned children grew. In 2000, after spending the entire summer in Christian camps for orphaned kids, my passion became my life.

In 2001, I began working as a Follow-up Coordinator at one of the eight orphanages in Mures County at that time: Reghin Orphanage. After a few years, as the orphanages began to close down and kids were relocated to private and state group homes, I assumed the role of Director of the Follow-up Department and Summer Camp Director. Alongside a group of amazing, dedicated volunteers, our activities not only provided fun but also contributed to the spiritual, educational, social, and physical development of these children. Since 2009, with the diversification of the foundation’s programs, I took on the role of Manager of Operations. A few years ago, I also became the case manager for the kids in our Casa Ana-Nadia group home.

At Fundatia LOC, Emi is our veteran. He has been with us from the very beginning and has stayed with us through both good and challenging times. He has been present at every change that our foundation went through, and his passion for children has only grown stronger.

We value Emi for his dedication to the children, attention to their needs, and his ability to connect with the children and youngsters’ mindset. He collaborates well with all public institutions and is doing an excellent job as the Manager of Operations.

LOC Kids

Meet Ovidiu

Meet Ovidiu, a beacon of determination and resilience! In his final year of high school, he’s blazing a trail as the first in his family to reach this milestone. Studying to become a car mechanic, he’s not just crafting a future for himself but shouldering the responsibility of paving the way for his younger siblings in a single-parent household. Supported by Livada Orphan Care, he’s grateful for the chance to learn and secure a job post-graduation. Ovidiu’s journey echoes gratitude towards the kind souls who sponsored his education, housing, and necessities. In the face of challenges, he found unwavering support from Nice, a pillar of strength who has supported him much like a mother would have. Ovidiu’s story embodies the power of resilience, community, and the incredible impact of support. Way to go, Ovidiu! You’ve redefined possibilities and inspire us all!

LOC Kids

Kid Interviews

Livada recently interviewed some of the children in our care to learn more about them. Here’s what they had to say.


School Supplies Received With Love

Ogra, Romania – September brings not only the promise of autumn but also a heartwarming tradition that has been changing lives year after year. In what has become an anticipated event, children participating in Ogra’s Prevention of Abandonment program are set on a path to academic success, armed with the complete array of school supplies.

This remarkable feat, which has touched countless young hearts, owes its existence to the unwavering support of our esteemed friends from the Netherlands, including Rudolph, Julie, Aniette, and their dedicated collaborators. For over a decade, their enduring commitment has been the cornerstone of this transformative initiative.

“The impact of their faithful collaboration cannot be overstated,” remarked [Your Name], spokesperson for Ogra. “It’s not merely about school supplies; it’s about altering the course of these children’s futures and, in turn, their families.”

Indeed, the ripple effect of their generosity has transcended generations, instilling hope and opportunity where it is needed most.

As an expression of gratitude, Ogra presents a glimpse into this year’s school supply donation activity through a series of captivating photographs, a testament to the power of unity and compassion in action.

In the spirit of continued partnership, Ogra extends its heartfelt appreciation to all who have contributed to this noble cause. Together, we are forging brighter tomorrows for our community’s children.