March Madness is a good symbol for all of the fun March Ministry that has taken place in Romania. I just got back from a quick trip there and it was extremely encouraging to see the creative ways that God’s Word continues to be delivered through the platform of orphan care. To God be the glory. We are humbled and grateful for all the signs of growth.
- We had a winter “boot drop” in which the kids all got winter boots and socks. (The Livada Spring Clothes Drive is coming up in April!)
- We had a very fun mother-daughter team from California come to help and see all things “livada.” It was a treat to see all of the current impact through their eyes. Gail and Tori really blessed us and greatly encouraged the LOC staff.
- The contract was signed with a second hospital to help with more abandoned babies needing daily care. Our foster kids are thriving but we need more foster parents who are faithful and that have passion and a calling for this.
- A new Ukrainian family has moved into Casa Rebeca. They will assist us with renovations, greenhouses, AND ministering the Good News to the dozens of other Ukrainian refugees staying with us at Casa Rene.
- Follow Up clubs have resumed for the government group homes in Mures county. Pray with us that we can get all clubs up and running again.
- Ogra ministry clubs and after school programs are thriving in this Roma (Gypsy) village AND the Ogra teens that live in the high school dorms in Targu Mures are being well loved and discipled by Niss. (She reports that they are ALWAYS hungry and call her often for extra food and other school needs.)
There is ALWAYS more to tell than space or time permits. ENJOY THE WINTER PHOTOS FROM ROMANIA MINISTRY IN ACTION BELOW. Please keep the ministry of Livada in your prayers for continued fruit that will last.
Warmly in Christ from Snowy Romania!
Bruce and the amazing staff of Fundatia LOC
“For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven,
And do not return there without watering the earth
And making it bear and sprout,
And furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater;
So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth;
It will not return to Me empty,
Without accomplishing what I desire,
And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.
Isaiah 55:10-11