During Green Week, the children from Lăscud Elementary School, spanning classes from kindergarten to fourth grade, received a generous donation of hygiene products. Each...
In a world where vulnerable children often require specialized support and care, Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) emerges as an essential tool for volunteers...
In a world full of challenges, organizing and engaging in charitable projects and NGOs represent an essential aspect of building a brighter future. On May 11th, 2024, it...
We are currently working with approximately 500+ children and teens in orphan group homes and in our prevention of abandonment ministry. All of them need new athletic...
We recently held our inaugural two-part training session for our new volunteers in Romania, and the energy in the room was truly inspiring. Sixty passionate individuals...
During the Easter holiday period, we had the privilege of organizing a special activity with orphaned children in our community. On a sunny spring day, we gathered to...